(5 April 2020) Leads for a translation ecosystem

We are trying to put together a database of anybody or organisation that has relevant capabilities for rapid translation of drug candidates to the market and eventually to a clinician and patient. Send us your leads here!

Note that this is a public forum and not a confidential forum.

It will help if your provide the following information:

  • Name of organisation/ entity
  • Relevant background that can be leveraged for translating a lead quickly to market — raw materials, drug manufacturing, testing, study design, trials, regulation, intellectual property, distribution etc
  • Contact person — name and contact info
  • Whether you are okay if we list you in a public database  (if not, then send private email to covid19@nclinnovations.org instead of listing it here)

We will be 

Kindly do not share any confidential information. We do not take any responsibility for confidential information.

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