(5 April 2020) Leads for a translation ecosystem

We are trying to put together a database of anybody or organisation that has relevant capabilities for rapid translation of drug candidates to the market and eventually to a clinician and patient. Send us your leads here!

Note that this is a public forum and not a confidential forum.

It will help if your provide the following information:

  • Name of organisation/ entity
  • Relevant background that can be leveraged for translating a lead quickly to market — raw materials, drug manufacturing, testing, study design, trials, regulation, intellectual property, distribution etc
  • Contact person — name and contact info
  • Whether you are okay if we list you in a public database  (if not, then send private email to covid19@nclinnovations.org instead of listing it here)

We will be 

Kindly do not share any confidential information. We do not take any responsibility for confidential information.

(5 April 2020) Front line clinicians — tell us what works and does not?

If you are a front line clinician treating patients with COVID19, you can  give us your inputs on what seems to work and what does not!  We will treat these as anecdotal data. Note that this is a public forum and not a confidential forum.

It will help if your provide the following information:

  • Your experiences/ observations — what works and what does not?
  • A little bit of background about you and what kind of patients you are dealing with.
  • Your reasons (if you have any) for your observations
  • Your name and contact info

Kindly do not share any confidential information. We do not take any responsibility for confidential information.

(5 April 2020) Suggest your treatment strategies/ drug combinations

You can suggest  therapeutic strategy/ drug combinations etc  against COVID19 here. Note that this is a public forum and not a confidential forum.

It will help if your provide the following information:

  • The proposed drug combinations/ therapeutic strategies
  • Any relevant literature on the subject
  • Why you think this can be a good therapy  against COVID19 and any references for the same
  • Your name and contact info

Kindly do not share any confidential information. We do not take any responsibility for confidential information.

(5 April 2020) Suggest your drug candidate here

You can suggest a drug candidate against COVID19 here. Note that this is a public forum and not a confidential forum.

It will help if your provide the following information:

  • The drug candidate
  • What is known about the drug including any references
  • Why you think this can be a suitable drug candidate against COVID19 and any references for the same
  • Your name and contact info

Kindly do not share any confidential information. We do not take any responsibility for confidential information.

(5 April 2020) TFORD-COVID19-India is happy to crowd source inputs via this Discussion Forum

The TFORD-COVID19-India is happy to launch this Discussion Forum to crowd source information and mobilise actions.

This Forum will:

  • Post announcements
  • Solicit inputs on potential drug candidates
  • Solicit inputs on treatment strategies/ drug combinations etc
  • Solicit inputs from front line clinicians on what seems to work and what does not
  • Leads and referrals for the drug development and repurposing community
  • Any other relevant topics decided by the moderators

This is a moderated forum. Our moderators shall be approving comments at least once every day (but as quickly as possible).  Moderation is necessary to keep the discussion meaningful.

For clarifications, write to covid19@nclinnovations.org