Comparison of efficacy of dexamethasone and methylprednisolone in moderate to severe covid 19 disease

The mean age of patients was 57.91 years in dexamethasone group and 54.86 years in methylprednisolone group. In dexamethasone group, there were 15 (42.8%) critically ill patients who were shifted to Intensive care unit (ICU) and seven (20%) of them needed ventilatory support, whereas in methylprednisolone group 22 (33.8%) had to be admitted in ICU with eight (12.3%) patient needing ventilator. As outcome measure, patients in both the groups showed marked improvement in temperature, oxygen requirement and C-reactive protein (CRP) on day 5. Only six (17.1%) patient died who received dexamethasone while 10 (15.3%) patients died among those receiving methylprednisolone. Dexamethasone and methylprednisolone both are equally effective in treating moderate to severe covid 19 disease.