(16 Mar 2021) Enoxaparin- associated with lower rates of mortality than unfractionated Heparin
Enoxaparin is associated with lower rates of mortality than unfractionated Heparin in hospitalized COVID-19 patients
We find that COVID-19 patients administered unfractionated Heparin but not Enoxaparin have higher rates of 28-day mortality (risk ratio: 4.3; 95% Confidence Interval [C.I.].: [1.8, 10.2]; p-value: 8.5e-4, Benjamini Hochberg [BH] adjusted p-value: 2.1e-3), after controlling for potential confounding factors. Interpretation: This study emphasizes the need for mechanistically investigating differential modulation of the COVID-associated coagulation cascades by Enoxaparin versus unfractionated Heparin.