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Title | Knowhow is available for | Scientific/ engineering subject areas | Industries | Whether patents are part of this offering ? |
Membrane purification of Palm Sap (Neera) |
A process for enhancement of shelf life of palm sap by using polymeric membranes to remove microbes and impurities |
Chemical sciences & engineering |
Agriculture, Agro-biotech, Agro-products, Fertilizers, Food processing & Secondary Agriculture |
No |
Quartz Crystal Micro balance (QCM) |
An in situ quartz crystal microbalance (QCM), based on a compact embedded system, that can be used to study molecular recognition and for other scientific/ research purposes |
Mathematical/ computational sciences & engineering |
Computing & Electronic Devices, Instrumentation |
No |
Slow release hydrogel system for nutrient delivery to recombinant cell lines |
Slow release polymer hydrogel system to feed nutrients to cell lines for optimal selection of high protein yielding recombinant cell lines |
Life sciences/ biosciences & engineering |
Medical Biotechnology, Biomed Products, Medical Healthcare, Diagnostics |
No |
Technology provider: | Innovation Management partner: | Incubation partner: |
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