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Patent Status

Available knowhow now showing: 3 / 42
TitleKnowhow is available forScientific/ engineering subject areasIndustriesWhether patents are part of this offering ?
Membrane purification of Palm Sap (Neera) A process for enhancement of shelf life of palm sap by using polymeric membranes to remove microbes and impurities Chemical sciences & engineering Agriculture, Agro-biotech, Agro-products, Fertilizers, Food processing & Secondary Agriculture No
Quartz Crystal Micro balance (QCM) An in situ quartz crystal microbalance (QCM), based on a compact embedded system, that can be used to study molecular recognition and for other scientific/ research purposes Mathematical/ computational sciences & engineering Computing & Electronic Devices, Instrumentation No
Slow release hydrogel system for nutrient delivery to recombinant cell lines Slow release polymer hydrogel system to feed nutrients to cell lines for optimal selection of high protein yielding recombinant cell lines Life sciences/ biosciences & engineering Medical Biotechnology, Biomed Products, Medical Healthcare, Diagnostics No


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