Performance trends (as per Kelkar Committee Reporting Format)
Report generated at IPDB : http://nclinnovations.org/ipdb/kelkarreport.php
Search Date : 02 Jul 2024 (PCT time)
Type of Report : Pre-defined report: Performance trend(as per Kelkar committee indicators for 10 year )
Report description : Based on the Kelkar committee review , the report gauges the performance trends of NCL in the last 10 years. Subject wise break down of the performance indicators is a newly added highlight.

Category of benefits Benefits Indicator 2024** 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Public & social goods Generation of and dissemination of generic knowledge No of invention disclosures 0 0 79 64 44 62 93 102 107 132
No of patents filed in India 0 0 44 27 29 67 41 59 88 106
No of PCT applications filed 0 0 16 12 25 15 30 30 49 64
    No of US applications filed 0 0 7 19 21 35 32 52 69 60
No of foreign patents filed * 0 0 15 48 44 84 83 139 218 158
Pride and standing amongst nations; National image No of foreign patents granted * 0 0 40 59 125 144 171 187 152 79
Private goods Licensing and technology transfer No of patents in new licensing/assignment/ option arrangements 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    No of unique licensing/assignment/option cases 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Strategic goods and options Other tactical and strategic developments No of Indian patents granted 0 0 49 83 102 73 49 16 11 8
No of foreign patents granted * 0 0 40 59 125 144 171 187 152 79
Intellectual assets and reputation Quality, reputation and standing of scientific manpower No of Indian patents granted 0 0 49 83 102 73 49 16 11 8
No of foreign patents granted * 0 0 40 59 125 144 171 187 152 79

*-:Foreign means all filings other than IN & WO
**-:Current year
NA-Not Applicable
2008 onwards:National phase entry delayed intentionally to defer costs & collect more info for investment decision.

Note: IPDB gets updated on last day of every month.